

  WHATSAPP MESSAGES BOT  import pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+91","MOBILE NO.","Hello", 16,40) SPEEDTEST BY PYTHON #pip i speedtest-cli from speedtest import Speedtest """ Ping (ms): ping of the test connection, in miliseconds d (Mb/s): d speed recorded, in megabits per second Upload (Mb/s): upload speed recorded, in megabits per second """ print("Checking...") st = Speedtest() #For Checking Upload and d dn = st.d() up = st.upload() print("Your d Speed====>",dn,"Kb/s") print("Your Upload Speed=======>",up,"Kb/s") #Now Convert Data into Megabits -- print("Your d Speed in Megabits====>",round(dn/10**6,2),"Mb/s") print("Your Upload Speed in Megabits=======>",round(up/10**6,2),"Mb/s") #Speed ====> 7Mb/s == 1MB/s #Now Convert  Data into MegaBytes--- print("Your d Speed in MegaBytes====>",(dn/10**6)/7,"...


  WHATSAPP MESSAGES BOT  import pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+91","MOBILE NO.","Hello", 16,40) SPEEDTEST BY PYTHON #pip i speedtest-cli from speedtest import Speedtest """ Ping (ms): ping of the test connection, in miliseconds d (Mb/s): d speed recorded, in megabits per second Upload (Mb/s): upload speed recorded, in megabits per second """ print("Checking...") st = Speedtest() #For Checking Upload and d dn = st.d() up = st.upload() print("Your d Speed====>",dn,"Kb/s") print("Your Upload Speed=======>",up,"Kb/s") #Now Convert Data into Megabits -- print("Your d Speed in Megabits====>",round(dn/10**6,2),"Mb/s") print("Your Upload Speed in Megabits=======>",round(up/10**6,2),"Mb/s") #Speed ====> 7Mb/s == 1MB/s #Now Convert  Data into MegaBytes--- print("Your d Speed in MegaBytes====>",(dn/10**6)/7,"...


WHATSAPP MESSAGES BOT  import pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+91","MOBILE NO.","Hello", 16,40) SPEEDTEST BY PYTHON #pip install speedtest-cli from speedtest import Speedtest """ Ping (ms): ping of the test connection, in miliseconds Downloa (Mb/s): downloa speed recorded, in megabits per second Upload (Mb/s): upload speed recorded, in megabits per second """ print("Checking...") st = Speedtest() #For Checking Upload and dn = st.downloa() up = st.upload() print("Your Downloa Speed====>",dn,"Kb/s") print("Your Upload Speed=======>",up,"Kb/s") #Now Convert Data into Megabits -- print("Your Downloa Speed in Megabits====>",round(dn/10**6,2),"Mb/s") print("Your Upload Speed in Megabits=======>",round(up/10**6,2),"Mb/s") #Speed ====> 7Mb/s == 1MB/s #Now Convert  Data into MegaBytes--- print("Your Speed in MegaBytes====...


  WHATSAPP MESSAGES BOT  import pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+91","MOBILE NO.","Hello", 16,40) SPEEDTEST BY PYTHON #pip i speedtest-cli from speedtest import Speedtest """ Ping (ms): ping of the test connection, in miliseconds d (Mb/s): d speed recorded, in megabits per second Upload (Mb/s): upload speed recorded, in megabits per second """ print("Checking...") st = Speedtest() #For Checking Upload and d dn = st.d() up = st.upload() print("Your d Speed====>",dn,"Kb/s") print("Your Upload Speed=======>",up,"Kb/s") #Now Convert Data into Megabits -- print("Your d Speed in Megabits====>",round(dn/10**6,2),"Mb/s") print("Your Upload Speed in Megabits=======>",round(up/10**6,2),"Mb/s") #Speed ====> 7Mb/s == 1MB/s #Now Convert  Data into MegaBytes--- print("Your d Speed in MegaBytes====>",(dn/10**6)/7,"MB/s...


  WHATSAPP MESSAGES BOT  import pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+91","MOBILE NO.","Hello", 16,40) SPEEDTEST BY PYTHON #pip i speedtest-cli from speedtest import Speedtest """ Ping (ms): ping of the test connection, in miliseconds d (Mb/s): d speed recorded, in megabits per second Upload (Mb/s): upload speed recorded, in megabits per second """ print("Checking...") st = Speedtest() #For Checking Upload and d dn = st.d() up = st.upload() print("Your d Speed====>",dn,"Kb/s") print("Your Upload Speed=======>",up,"Kb/s") #Now Convert Data into Megabits -- print("Your d Speed in Megabits====>",round(dn/10**6,2),"Mb/s") print("Your Upload Speed in Megabits=======>",round(up/10**6,2),"Mb/s") #Speed ====> 7Mb/s == 1MB/s #Now Convert  Data into MegaBytes--- print("Your d Speed in MegaBytes====>",(dn/10**6)/7,"MB/s...


 import pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+91","MOBILE NO.","Hello", 16,40)


 #pip install speedtest-cli from speedtest import Speedtest """ Ping (ms): ping of the test connection, in miliseconds Download (Mb/s): download speed recorded, in megabits per second Upload (Mb/s): upload speed recorded, in megabits per second """ print("Checking...") st = Speedtest() #For Checking Upload and Download dn = up = st.upload() print("Your Download Speed====>",dn,"Kb/s") print("Your Upload Speed=======>",up,"Kb/s") #Now Convert Data into Megabits -- print("Your Download Speed in Megabits====>",round(dn/10**6,2),"Mb/s") print("Your Upload Speed in Megabits=======>",round(up/10**6,2),"Mb/s") #Speed ====> 7Mb/s == 1MB/s #Now Convert  Data into MegaBytes--- print("Your Download Speed in MegaBytes====>",(dn/10**6)/7,"MB/s") print("Your Upload Speed in MegaBytes=======>",(up/10**6)/7,"MB/s...


 # Importing required modules # importing pyttsx3 import pyttsx3 # importing speech_recognition import speech_recognition as sr # importing os module import os # creating take_commands() function which # can take some audio, Recognize and return # if there are not any errors def take_commands():     # initializing speech_recognition     r = sr.Recognizer()     # opening physical microphone of computer     with sr.Microphone() as source:         print('Listening')         r.pause_threshold = 0.7         # storing audio/sound to audio variable         audio = r.listen(source)         try:             print("Recognizing")             # Recognizing audio using google api             Query = r.recognize_google(audio)             pr...


 w = input("Enter Your Weight in KG.\n") h =  input("Enter Your height in Meter.\n") #BMI = kg/m2  kilograms = float(w) height = float(h)*float(h) BMI = float(kilograms)/float(height) print("your BMI is",BMI)


 Name = input("Enter Your Name : \n") Maths = input("Marks in Maths : \n") Science = input("Marks in Science : \n") Hindi = input("Marks in Hindi : \n") English = input("Marks in English : \n") SST = input("Marks in S.S.T : \n") tm = float(Maths) + float(SST) + float(Science) + float(English) + float(Hindi) marks= tm / 500 percent = marks * 100 print("Name - ",Name) print("Maths - ",Maths) print("Science - ",Science) print("Hindi - ",Hindi) print("English - ",English) print("SST - ",SST) print("Total Marks =",tm,"out of 500") print("Percentage = ", percent)


 import speech_recognition as sr import webbrowser r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source:     print("What you want to search\n")     print("Listening.......\n")     audio = r.listen(source) print(('opening : ' + r.recognize_google(audio))) p = r.recognize_google(audio)


 num=int(input("Enter The digit for multipliers\n")) for multiplier in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10):     print(str(num)+" X " + str(multiplier)+"="+str(num*multiplier))


 X=MsgBox("Your PC is Corona Positive, Do you want to quarantine it ?If yes, Then press OK",0+48,"Covid-19 Alert")  Y=MsgBox("PC is in quarantine Don't access social websites",0+64,"System alert")  X=MsgBox("Virus Detected! ",0+48,"Windows Security") X=MsgBox("Do You Want to scan pc?",4+64,"Windows Security") X=MsgBox("Windows Defender is Unable To Scan virus",2+16,"Windows Security") X=MsgBox("Windows Defender is Unable To Scan virus",0+16,"Windows Security") X=MsgBox("Virus Deleted Your System Files............",0+48,"Windows Security") X=MsgBox("Alert! Virus collecting Your personal Files,password",0+48,"Windows Security") X=MsgBox("Your PC is Hacked!",0+48,"ATTENTION")
  python   voice search recognition on google import  speech_recognition  as  sr import webbrowser r = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source: print ( "What you want to search \n " ) audio = r.listen(source) print (( 'opening : ' + r.recognize_google(audio))) p = r.recognize_google(audio) Table of any Number num= int ( input ( "Enter The digit for multipliers \n " )) for multiplier in [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]: print ( str (num)+ " X " + str (multiplier)+ "=" + str (num*multiplier))
  Useful keyboard shortcuts. Basics Keyboard Shortcuts Ctrl+Z: Undo. Ctrl+W: Close. Alt+Tab: Switch apps. Alt+F4: Close apps. Win+left arrow or Win+right arrow: Snap windows. Win+Tab: Open the Task view. Tab and Shift+Tab: Move backward and forward through options. Ctrl+Esc: Open the Start menu. ctrl+shift+esc: Open Task manager. Ctrl + A : Select all. Ctrl + X : Cut. Ctrl + B :  Bold . Ctrl + I :  Italic . Ctrl + U :  Underline the Text . Ctrl + N : New. Ctrl + P : Print. Ctrl + O : Open file. Ctrl + S : Save. Ctrl + Shift + S : Save As. Ctrl + Y : Redo. Window Logo Key ShortCut  Windows logo key Open or close the Start menu Windows logo key + Pause Display the System Properties dialog box Windows logo key + D Display the desktop Windows logo key + M Minimize all windows Windows logo key + Shift + M Restore minimized windows to the desktop Windows logo key + E Open Computer Windows logo key + F Start a Feedback dialog Ctrl+Windows logo key + F Search for comput...

Microsoft powerpoint Shortcuts.

  Microsoft powerpoint Shortcuts. Go to “Tell me what you want to do” Alt + Q Zoom Alt + W, Q, Tab to value you want Switch between outline and thumbnail pane Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move to next placeholder (if on slide’s last placeholder, this inserts a new slide) Ctrl + Enter Insert a new slide Ctrl + M Duplicate the current side Ctrl + D Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + > Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + < Display the font dialog box Ctrl + T or Ctrl + Shift + F Change case Shift + F3 Apply superscript formatting Ctrl + Equal sign Apply subscript formatting Ctrl + Shift + Plus sign Remove manual character formatting Ctrl + Spacebar Center a paragraph Ctrl + E Justify a paragraph Ctrl + J Left align a paragraph Ctrl + L Right align a paragraph Ctrl + R Promote a paragraph in an outline Alt + Shift + Left arrow Demote a paragraph in an outline Alt + Shift + Right arrow Move selected outline paragraphs up Alt + Shift + Up arrow Move selected outline paragraphs down Alt + S...